“I have given you my hand to hold, so i give you my life to keep. I promise to support, to honor, and to always respect you because it’s your heart that moves me, your head that challenges me, your humor that delights me, and i wish to hold your hands until the end of my days”
-August 9, 2014-

Ya ampun sumpahnya bikin merinding.. syahdu bgt rasanyaaa…
Terima Kasih, Salam kenal yaaa 🙂
Cihuyyy..bisa komentar lagi di post-mu..(*salah fokus..*) BTW, sumpahnya indah banget.., jadi terharu…hiks..hiks..
Asyiiikk Emmy mampir *tepuk tangan*… hahaha kami menyebutnya itu gombal2an puitis hihihi. tapi kalau dibaca pas suasana hatinya pas, ya mellow juga 😀
uhuy……..gak kuat haha 🙂
Iya, bentar lagi diabetes hahaha