George Martin

In 2012 I felt very privileged to make a tour around the Abbey Road Studios in London. It was the same room in which one producer (George Martin) and a recently contracted group of musicians (The Beatles) 50 years earlier (in 1962) started out to revolutionize everything that popular music was about.

The first recordings (‘Love Me Do’ and ‘P.S. I Love You’) might not be clear indicators of what was to come, but in the years afterwards this would change. The highlights were some many I can not even mention them all, but I think with the songs ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’, ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’  and ‘I Am The Walrus’ George Martin and The Beatles created music that people will be listing to, enjoy, analyze for as long as mankind will be around on this planet.

From more recent interviews I understood that the aging process for Mr. Martin was a rather troublesome one, especially because of his diminishing hearing capabilities. Nevertheless I think it is fair to state that Mr. Martin lived a life so full and he will remembered for a long time because of his genius for creating music arrangements and his extreme inventivity when it came to music production. A true source of inspiration for every aspiring musician and producer.